Retirement Calculators

 The New 401K Plan vs. The Old 401k Plan

If your HR department came in and offered you a NEW 401k with the following benefits, which plan would you choose…The OLD (your current plan) 401k or the NEW 401k. The New 401k will provide you the following benefits:

1. Guarantee that you will never lose another penny when the market crashes

2. Guarantee that your gains are locked in when the market goes up

3. Allows you to borrow from your retirement savings, at any age, for any reason.

4. When you do borrow, there is no mandatory repayment, but you can pay it back if you want to.

5. Allows unlimited contributions

6. Your savings grows and compounds tax free

7. You’ll get tax free retirement income until the day you die

8. In addition, and on top of all that…you will get a small tax-free death benefit to protect your family.

9. As well as THREE NO COST Riders (Critical Illness, Chronic Illness and Terminal Illness Riders), that are designed to accelerate the Death Benefit should you suffer a critical Illness (i.e.. heart attack, stroke, or cancer, etc.) or should you become disabled due to an illness or accident.

All without spending any more money for retirement than what you are currently saving in your OLD (current) 401k plan.

So, if your company offered a NEW 401k like this, would you stick with your old plan, or would you switch to the new plan? What if I told you that Congress and the IRS had already approved a plan like this, the only difference is that it is NOT called a 401k. Now, you may have never heard of this program, but it was crafted around 3 Congressional Acts called TEFRA, DEFRA and TAMRA, in the mid 1980’s. In addition, its TAX FREE under IRS code 7702 and 72 E.

CLICK HERE to view this short 3-Minute Video

Let us show you a quick 15-Min. FREE, NO-OBLIGATION sample demonstration using an example of someone your age contributing to the NEW 401K compared to their current 401k/Qualified Plan.

CLICK HERE to view a sample case presented one of my team mates Steve Johnson

CLICK HERE to schedule your 15-Free Analysis 

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Getting the answers to questions like “How much can I spend in retirement?” can now be done in real-time, collaborative planning along with you. Our Program leverages proprietary algorithms to run thousands of simulations with lightning speed, so we can immediately show you the effect of changing key variables in your retirement plan. We won’t need to say to you, “We’ll get back to you in a few days”.

We Impact of Guaranteed Income Streams

We Protect You Against Longevity Risk

The impact of when one takes Social Security is demonstrated instantly with Retirement Planning Software System. Other guaranteed income streams like pension and annuity benefits are simple to include. Current Annuity pricing is integrated directly into the tool, unlike any other software. Our System illustrates the findings of our research with leading universities – there is a balanced approach to blending investments with guaranteed income to improve retirement outcomes.

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We show you the changes you can make to go from uncertainty to success in retirement. Our Income Frontier graph helps to ensure our strategy is in YOUR BEST interest and not ours. As Fiduciaries we follow the Best Interest Practices mandated by law in February 2020 by the NAIC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners. We give you the confidence will have what they need regardless of the market outcome.

We Help You Understand the Pitfalls

By Creating a Plan for the "What ifs" Scenarios

The most careful plans for retirement can fall apart due to a multitude of risks. We use our Proprietary Software System to stress test our proposed plan from the following:

· Long Term Care

· Early Death

· Early Employment

· Stock Market Losses

We Empower You to Know Your Best Strategy

By Optimizing Your Social Security Benefits

We have the ability to calculate your Social Security benefits at each possible age using your Primary Insurance Amount or prior year wages, and if eligible, determine the best route for claiming spousal benefits.

CLICK HERE for More information on our Retirement Readiness Calculator

CLICK HERE for a short 2-Minute Video 

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