About C.B. ''The Doc'' Faulkner, CFP
C.B. "Doc" Faulkner entered the financial services industry in 1980 and quickly became a top producer for The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States. In 1986 Doc Faulkner repeated his upward trend with Mutual of Omaha's Health Insurance Division and United of Omaha's Life Insurance Division. To his credit, he places over 1.3 million dollars of life insurance during his first year with the company. Mr. Faulkner ranked number 14 with United of Omaha Life Insurance and was a top leading producer in Disability Income Insurance as well.
In 1988 C.B Faulkner continue to progress and earned the prestigious designation of (CFP) Certified Financial Planner. One year later in 1989, he completed his Underwriters Training in disability insurance, followed by achieving his Series 7 General Securities License as a Licensed Stockbroker in 1990. As a stockbroker, Mr. Faulkner worked with numerous securities firms in St. Louis. Later he accepted a position as a Certified Financial Planner with Waddell and Reed a major Financial Planning Firm in the Mid-west.
Currently, C.B. Faulkner is an Independent Financial Advisor and President of Financial Freedom Group of Charlotte, North Carolina. His company continues to provide the very best Insurance and Professional Planning Products. Financial Freedom Group of Charlotte, NC conducts numerous workshops for small businesses, churches and other non-profit organizations. Doc Faulkner is a consultant and practitioner in the area of Insurance, Investments and Retirement planning with extensive expertise in Tax-Free Retirement and Safe Money Strategies for young professionals, pre-retirees as well as retirees.
"Doc" Faulkner specializes in the area of "Tax Free Retirement " and "Safe money Concepts", a concept that guarantees zero loss during a DOWN market with market-like returns in an UP market with tax free income at retirement. Mr. Faulkner helps businesses and families with income continuation strategies in the face of illness, disability or premature death.